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In an effort to determine
In an effort to determine whether the primary tumour might be responsible for “fertilising” the bone “soil” ready for the cancer “seed”, we recently found that a hypoxic gene signature, and more specifically the secreted enzyme lysyl oxidase (LOX) was closely associated with bone metastasis, specifi
To date over mutations in KCNQ
To date, over 250 mutations in KCNQ1 have been found to be linked to LQT1 [34] and new LQT1 causing mutations continue to be identified. The vast majority of KCNQ1 mutations are single nucleotide substitutions (missense) or small insertion/deletions that localize to the S1-S6 transmembrane domains [
De hecho la Am rica
De hecho la América poética comparte con estos periódicos especializados un mismo receptor, una misma nómina de suscriptores que gustan de la poesía lírica, un mismo “público ilustrado e igualmente sensible MG132 manufacturer la razón del filósofo y al arte del poeta romántico” (Batticuore: 113). E
br La poes a temprana de Carlos Pellicer ejemplifica
La poesía temprana de Carlos Pellicer (1899–1977) ejemplifica un cambio fundamental en la lírica hispanoamericana. Su obra revela la transición entre el cosmopolitismo ahistórico y exotista y una nueva poesía de conciencia histórica que no solo retoma la historia y la realidad propias de Hispanoam
br El a o pasado se present
El año pasado se presentó al público el libro de Pablo Monsanto (Jorge Ismael Soto) comandante de las Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes y de la Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca , titulado , el cual aporta información sobre varios pendientes sin resolver de la historia de la lucha revolucionaria
LA REVISTA DEL EXILIO EN TANTO PROYECTO CULTURAL Si bien existen estudios sobre la figura del exiliado —Agamben, Zuleta—, que consideran las variables históricas —Clara Lida y Pablo Yankelevich— y los esfuerzos de proporcionar corpus testimoniales con nuevas aproximaciones acerca del exilio, que
Es el propio C ndido quien coloca en
Es el propio Cándido quien coloca en relación lenguaje literario y lenguaje plástico, palabra y trazo. ¿Será coincidencia que lo primero que resalta en el Autorretrato de 1957 (figura 2) sean esos trazos que atraviesan la figura del pintor? Recordemos la forma en que Ramos se refiere concentration f
br In an age when everything from
In an age when everything from sparrows to toilets has its own international day (March 20 and November 19, respectively, in case you were wondering), it\'s perhaps no surprise that the scholarly publishing nk1 receptor antagonist has got in on the act. This week is . Organised by representative
br Purpose br Methods Participating centers Forty
Purpose Methods Participating centers: Forty main ICSD centers in Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa, which cover approximately 20% of all new ICSD patients in Japan, are participating in the present study. After obtaining written informed consent, all patients (over 20 years old) will be register
br Discussion This study shows that the risk
Discussion This study shows that the risk of all-cause mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation is directly associated with RDW in a dose-response manner. This association was independent of known risk factors of mortality. Notably, RDW is associated with all-cause mortality regardless of a
Silmitasertib Atrial fibrosis is one of
Atrial fibrosis is one of the fundamental mechanisms for the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation (AF), but the underlying electrophysiological changes involved are not completely understood. Aging, neurohumoral activation, and chronic atrial stretch due to structural heart disease activate various s
An incisional biopsy was undertaken Peri operative examinati
An incisional biopsy was undertaken. Peri-operative examination of the lesion revealed an expansile tumor mass brownish in color with focal whitish areas (Fig. 3). The lesion could be delineated from the surrounding cortical bone, and surrounding soft tissues. Histopathologically the biopsy material
br Material and methods The study population was
Material and methods The study population was selected from the National Cancer Institute’s SEER database. The SEER database collects data from 18 geographic registries, covering approximately 28% of the U.S. population [17]. The SEER⁎Stat software (Version 8.0.4; NCI; Bethesda, MD) was used to i
This Ca overload activates the forward mode of
This Ca2+ overload activates the forward mode of the Na+/Ca+ exchanger (NCX), increases the transient inward current (Iti), and induces ventricular arrhythmias due to delayed after depolarizations (DADs). Subtypes of CPVT Several subtypes of CPVT have been reported (Table 1). The most common typ
br La poes a temprana
La poesía temprana de Carlos Pellicer (1899–1977) ejemplifica un cambio fundamental en la lírica hispanoamericana. Su obra revela la transición entre el cosmopolitismo ahistórico y exotista y una nueva poesía de conciencia histórica que no solo retoma la historia y la realidad propias de Hispanoam
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